The Special

Every year when we go to Aruba, my daughter and Angel treat us to a restaurant that we've never been to.  This year they told us we were going to Gianni's Ristorante, because "they make homemade pasta, Ma."

Never in my life have I tasted such wonderful pasta as what I had while in Aruba.  Considering my MIL taught the Pres and I how to make our own, we know what "homemade" tastes like and love it.  There is nothing like homemade pasta, regardless of it's shape! 

Angel ordered lobster and shrimp over his pasta.

The Pres chose to have his pasta topped with mussels in their divine tomato sauce.

However, my daughter and I opted for one of their specials.

A chef wheels over a table with everything he needs to prepare your plate.  

Beginning with the wheel of imported parmigiano, he scrapes the sides, pushing the shredded cheese into the hole formed in the center.

Then he pours in a little whiskey around the sides and ignites it.  The flame of course, causes the cheese to melt.

Then, into the melted cheese he adds the homemade pasta in their tomato sauce which boasts of fresh tomatoes.

Thoroughly mixing the pasta with all the melted parmigiano he then forms mounds on your plate before the server delivers it to you.

Of course, our entrees were preceded by warm and buttery garlic bread, an appetizer of fried calamari and our caesar salads.

One thing we all agreed on...

We passed on dessert!

How about you?
Would you have tried the special?

Sharing our appetites with you and those at


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