Planning on doing some shopping with my daughter, I struggled to get up yesterday. I had been up much later than my normal bedtime Wednesday night.   Although I was tired as the morning light urged me to get up for the day, I knew the day would be fun...just plain FUN!  And it was. 
 Meeting in Warwick, RI we shopped at the mall and when we hit Victoria's Secret, I bought three tops. Using my gift card from Christmas and a ten dollar off coupon, I paid nothing!!!!!  Love those kind of deals...SWEET!!!

Heading next to Macy's, we both bought new purses before we headed to another shopping area nearby called Garden City Center and where Alex and Ani Headquarters is located.  I have a few of their bracelets and love them!!  

Walking, talking, laughing over silly things the day flew by as it always does when you're having fun.  Deciding on Ted's Montana Grill for lunch, we laughed talked and devoured our burgers.

While Jennifer ordered a beef burger, mine was a bison burger dripping with horseradish was AWESOME!  Of course the onion rings and fries were just as yummy, dipping them into the extra sauce on the side.

Sharing a little more of my life with you and those at

When was the last time you enjoyed a great burger????


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