Big Hit

Kree turned eight this month and although her real birthday was earlier in the month, her Mom and Dad had her party this past weekend.

Kree loves....and I mean cream cake, which her Mom had bought for her party.  

Kree she does not like "cake."  In fact, when she was younger, she referred to "cake" as "bread cake," always making a face and turning up her nose at it!!

I wondered what I could come up with and finally thought about making her a giant Chocolate Chip Cookie.  She loves those, I thought.

She and her friends devoured the thing.  Some scraped off the chocolate frosting from the edge or just pushed it onto an adjacent piece.  One little boy kept coming back in the dining room to scoop up the excess frosting onto his plate...LOL!  

Nothing was left!!  Even the Pres, who doesn't care for chocolate had some.  It was a bigger hit than the ice cream cake...:)

Gosh, I love it when goodies you give people are a big hit, don't you?


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