All Too Familiar

As the Pres and I sat outside in our rockers enjoying the late afternoon sun, the melodic tune seemed to fill the yard.  Looking in the direction of the sound, there he was...perched on the nesting box.

Looking around the yard for her, my eyes skimming the trees, I couldn't find her.  Meanwhile, he kept singing.  Finally, I spotted her.  There she the feeders.

Balancing effortlessly as the gentle wind moved the baffles to and fro, she hopped from baffle to baffle, occasionally pecking at the caged suet.  She looked happy.  

  Pointing him and her out to the Pres who was engrossed in his paper, I wondered how many more would come since we have several bluebird boxes.

The song continued and the all too familiar melody made me happy too.
  Yes, that is why they are know as the Bluebirds of happiness!

Do you get Bluebirds in your neck of the woods?

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