It's The Little Things

What else was new?  It was snowing...
I was bored...
looking for what I had on hand, I found...
a box of Red Velvet Cake Mix...easy
ingredients to make Buttercream/Cream Cheese Icing**...even easier
Mini Cupcake pan and liners
Decision made...:)
(note:  I never used a box mix to make these mini cupcakes but was pleasantly surprised that I got 72!
Now, what could I do with them?
with the neighbors
 my son, his wife and Mia
Marty and his family (great folks that live down the street)
 my OS (other son) if he came by this week
 and perhaps a few will be left for the group at Tai Chi...perfect!

**Using a traditional buttercream recipe (Wilton's with butter NOT Crisco), I added about 6 oz of cream cheese that I had on hand and substituted almond flavoring for the vanilla.  It seems to reduce the sweetness and works well when you add a tablespoon or two of sifted cocoa...YUM

It's the little things in life that matter!

I wish I could share a few with you!!

What do you do when you're bored?

One more thing, I guess I should have moved the old navy dishtowel...LOL!
But that's called staging and I am real so it stayed...:)


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