It's All In The Coat

This past week, we had two more snowfalls.

Giving us close to ten inches of fresh powder, the storm over last weekend was the more significant of the two.   I did find that trudging through it to fill the feeders was a little rough since it was now over my knees and because of the cold temps, had a thick crust on top.  Although the Pres plowed the "clearing" for the small herd that comes by to nibble, I can't expect him to plow the entire yard!!  (It would be nice though.)

Giving us another 5 inches, Tuesdays began around 8 am and ended around 3 pm, causing driving to be hazardous and schools to close AGAIN.

Nature takes care of it's own.  The thickness and color of a coat makes the world of difference to one of Mother Nature's finest!!

My coat, however, does not blend in with the landscape.  Bright yellow and water resistant, it is warm and extremely functional.  Besides, you'll be able to find me if we keep getting snow!

Did you know that you never stop learning?
I learned something new this week.
Never jump off a stone wall into deep snow when you're OLD.

Does the snow make you do crazy things?

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