Today's Topic: Bullying

It's everywhere nowadays. 
And it annoys irks me.
I loathe it.

Once upon at time, an young red-bellied woodpecker, came to the feeders.  Born in the Fall of last year and now on his own, he no longer follows his parents.

Rather than pecking away at the suet provided by the old man and old woman, he chose to pick away at the feeders, eating the seed.  This independent youngster, with pathologically high self-esteem, felt like he needed to control, dictating his authority over the others.
Much larger than the other birds, he soon learned that because of his size, he could pretty much do what he wanted and go where he wanted.

Full of himself and lacking a genuine regard for others, he continued to push his way around the feeders.
 Trying every feeder and shaking his head vigorously to scare the little ones away, it was right then and there that the old woman named him "the red bellied bully."

It comes in all shapes and sizes.  
It can be mental or physical. 
Bullying is not good.

Don't you agree?

Take a stand.
If you see or hear of someone being bullied, don't just stand there taking pictures.  Do something. 


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