Silly Boys

Whenever we get substantial amounts of snow, the Pres makes a few passes around the yard so the dogs don't have to wade through the crusted snow to do their business.  But this is the first year the Pres used to ATV rather than shoveling the paths.  Beginning in the backyard and making a pass down into the front yard, the track ends up being about 5-6 ft wide.

My handsome man, the devoted Copper Lucas Aspen, followed the Pres around the yard as he raced around.  I think he thought it was his new exercise track! 

Moon and I sat and watched the two boys circle the yard.
Silly boys! I thought.

But the next few days, the homemade track proved to be a form of exercise for the dogs and I as we ran (slowly) doing laps several times a day.  Refusing to walk them on road surfaces during the Winter months because of the chemicals used and the potential damage to their pads, I'm very cautious with them walking on crusted snow.

I don't think I'm overprotective, do you?

Outdoor Wednesday


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