Random 5 Friday

Getting in two really decent workouts, this week was a great one! I slept over to watch Mia Wednesday into Thursday...wait until I tell you!!

 I do miss Tai Chi terribly but I decided over the Winter months, it was pointless for me to sign up knowing the roads would be snowy and icy.  Practicing daily, I miss the actual class and people terribly.

Laughing so hard Tuesday night when talking to my Sister, I almost peed my pants.  She called to tell me that "Century is closed."  Living in the "panhandle,"  Century is not far from her.  "What do you mean it's closed?" I said.  She told me the town announced it was closing and shutting down everything with the exception of a gas station or two because of the ice!

We've decided that the Pres' truck does not like the cold.  "Did you check the battery and the cells for water, " I asked.  NO ANSWER.  So he had to connect it to the charger overnight and finally figured out why it wasnt taking the charge.  The battery terminals were all corroded...uh-duh...which means to me he never even looked!...MEN!!!

Knowing that vacation is two months away, I've decided that I'm taking less that I have in previous years since we hang out in bathing suits all day nearly every day.  Ah...warm sunshine...ocean breeze...blue waters...white sand...:).  I can't wait!

Sharing bits and pieces with you and 


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