Hello Out There

Has anyone encountered a problem when the comment box pops up?

  Lately (for several weeks) I've noticed that the scroll bar on the right side of the comment box doesn't work.  I was trying to leave comments and couldn't for the life of me figure out what the heck was going on until I tried the [Tab] key.  After I type my comment, I have to use the [tab] key until I get to [publish] housed within the comment box and then press [Enter].

I've also noticed other oddities along the way
scrolling when loading Gadgets...
loading pictures into a post...

Yet, on a lighter note...
How do you like using the "Chrome App Launcher"?

  I LOVE it!!!  YEAH!!!! says the girl in "A Quiet Corner"

And speaking of ME, don't you just LOVE...LOVE...LOVE my new header?  It was created by Diane (Diane Cayton-Hakey), who I have just named


She designs headers you know!


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