Good-Bye Mr Chips

With all the ingredients I needed for cookies, somehow we miscalculated on Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips.  What in the world am I going to do with all of them? I thought.  The kids certainly don't need any more cookies or bars.

"Ah ha," said I.  "It is January and that means that our oldest grand daughter will have a birthday this month.  A birthday means cake and cake means baking, right?"

Well, sort of.   I decided to surprise Rhia (aka Jelly Bean) with a few cupcakes for her party.  Besides what's a girl to do when she's stuck home with a sore back?  You can't lay around all day.  Moving helps your body heal.  Did you know that?

Putting all my baking supplies and pans in the old jelly cupboard that was my MILs makes it so much easier when I want to bake.  Melting chocolate chips for drizzle as well as placing them in the chocolate cupcake batter made one bag vanish...YEAH!!!

and the remainder of the chocolate chips?
Josh is February.
Kree is March.
Tess is April.

So, what do you make with CHOCOLATE CHIPS?

Sharing the letter "C" with you and those at

Friendship Friday


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