Through Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain

Considering I'm as old as I am, I've never been to a "book signing," so when my best friend, Felix, emailed me to tell me of the event, I was excited and marked it in my calendar.  As the date drew near, I worried about our forecast for the day.  SNOW...the white stuff...6-9 inches was predicted.

Leaving earlier than planned, I arrived ahead of the nine o'clock opening being held at the Willington Public Library.

Watching various authors (I assume) come and go in the parking lot carrying in either boxes or totes filled with books, I sat totally immersed in their activity as the snow pelted my windshield and car.  (I love to observe people.  So much so that I could do it for a living...LOL!!)

Greeted by Feel's warm smile, he stood so we could exchange hugs.  I am a hugger and although he isn't a hugger by nature, I totally took advantage of the one he gave me...:)

Montana Harvest is his first novel in the Jim Buchanan Series.  I am so proud of him and the autographed copy I got for myself and my sister, of course.  
He wrote:  To JP, my best friend and #1 fan.

Available on Amazon and formatted for all you Kindle readers, this snapshot should give you an idea of it's content.  I've read some of the drafts that are slated for publishing in the near future and, trust me, if you like an extremely well~written mystery series, this is a must!

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