Random 5 Friday

 I wanted to update you all about my Sister.  She had her third chemo session on the first of November and she did have the chills for five days, saying she just couldn't get warm.  However, since day six she has been mowing with the rider (which she loves!!!) and planning her Thanksgiving.  I love you Sis...keep up the tremendous work!

Today, although I am at the gym as you read this, I plan on being home early.  Why?  My OS (other son, the designer and builder of our home) is having a showing of the home he is almost done with and asked the Pres and I if he could (if they are nice people) bring them up to our house.  No question on my part...nice to meet potential neighbors...especially since I plan on doing more baking!  Nothing say welcome to the neighborhood better that oven aromas!!!

My kids really wanted me to make Chocolate Crunch Bars (that I got from a good friend down in VA). I haven't made them in years.  The reason?  Some of the ingredients are no longer available!  Don't you hate that?!!!  However, being the resourceful person that I am, I found the items via Amazon and should receive them by the 20th of November...in plenty of time for that special Christmas cookie surprise!!! After all, Christmas is all about love and all those good things that go with it...:)

The Pres' cough, after almost three weeks, is finally beginning to fade.  Thank goodness!  Perhaps now we can get some sleep!!!  

Oh and me?  I'm heading out to the gym for some cardio and strength training...:)


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