Memories Are Made of This

Going to the house was emotional for me. She was the mother I never had. I respected and loved her beyond words. Last Sunday was the first visit to Mom's house since she passed away. It's been four months and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and/or say out loud, "Mama, Mama, Mama." Whether I'm baking, cooking, cleaning, walking around our yard or watching her favorite Cardinals, those words are muttered from from lips.

And once again, I found myself mumbling those words as I wandered through the house filled with memories.  Now nearly empty with the exception of the furniture used to stage the house, the realization hit me.  SHE was gone. 

Although she had wanted the house to stay in the family, it will be put on the market as all of us are comfortable in our homes and the family feels it will sell since there have already been inquiries by interested buyers and that, although rural, it is in a prime location in an old Connecticut town.  

After we selected a few things for sentimental reasons and loaded the truck, I just had to walk around the yard one more time. Knowing it would probably be my last time, tears filled my eyes as I entered the back yard.  The Pres and I got married in Mom's gazebo on the Fourth of July way back when.   And I'm sure those emotional moments are what prompted me to go back in the house and take the small facsimile of the gazebo Mom kept on her screen porch.

Deciding to hunt for seed from her now spent perennials, I stopped to dig some Forget-Me-Nots.  While kneeling on the ground, the youngest of my BILs suggested that we did the bright red Dahlias near Dad's flower garden.   And so the Pres got out the shovel and dug. We will think of Mom and Dad when they bloom each year.

A few days later...

Mama's jelly cupboard was re-painted and put to good use. It now holds some of my favorite things...all my baking supplies.

Mama's Jelly Cupboard

Oh, and the gazebo? 
 This past week I purchased people for it. 

 To Mom, family meant everything.
All things "Mom" will be cherished forever.

Sharing what makes memories with you and

Katherine's Corner


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