Breaking the Routine

Last Wednesday, rather than heading to the gym, my SIL and I decided to meet and do some shopping at a nearby Christmas Tree Shop in Manchester.

 Arriving shortly after they opened, we wandered through the isles for three hours!!  Leaving a tad poorer, we packed our treasures in our respective trunks and headed to a local restaurant for lunch. It was there we hooked up with my BIL who works nearby.  It was neat to get together with the Pres' siblings especially in light of the fact that we will soon begin to disburse some of Mom's things.  The house they grew up in will be put on the market soon.

My drive home was more contemplative than usual as I thought about things we discussed and before I knew it, I was home.

The Pres watched as I brought in the bags then remarked, "You bought more crap.  It looks like you had fun!"

"Honey, I bought a new boot tray, a cocoa door mat, ground flax seed, cupcake liners, two ceramic servers to hold dip, a cupcake serving tray and this adorable little bird house."

I don't think my treasures were crap. Do you?

Well, maybe they were because
when the Pres was carrying the birdhouse over to hang it, the little metal hook fell onto the ground among the leaves!  But don't worry  it only took us twenty minutes to find it...LOL!

Sharing with you and


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