Random Friday

Thank you all for your kinds thoughts and prayers for my Sister.  Your words of hope and encouragement touch my heart more than you know.  She is one tough cookie and if anyone can fight this battle, she can.  She is a strong woman! 

She loves her new microwave that we had delivered to her house.  Hers was on it's last leg with only a few buttons on the keypad working.  When I got home and told the Pres without hesitation, he said, "Order one.  Send it right to the house." 

Sis loved all the food I brought down.  The Pres had suggested that we freeze it, then place it in our big cooler with dry ice.  Everything was still frozen after my road trip and Sis has been savoring and raving about it all!  Although home now, when I return for my next trip, I will fly.

Although I want to be able to talk about her progress, I also know what a private person she is so I will totally respect that.  Sisters are forever friends and nothing is worth endangering that!  

After some VERY frustrating dealings with insurance companies, doctors, and medical facilities, she now has all her ducks in a row.  Reaching out to American Cancer Society and her surgeon, head of the research institute, she is now on track.  Stay strong, Sis...I love YOU...:)


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