Random Friday

Once back home, unlike those in Florida, mornings were brisk and refreshing bringing sunny afternoons, making me want to just be outside all day. Being in Florida while keeping Sis company even more fell into perspective.

I wonder why we don't see what matters most when we're younger. We get caught up in living our lives...raising our children, caring for those we love and trying to make a decent living...that we sometimes miss the "big picture."

I don't know about you, but focusing on your immediate loved ones and yourself was the priority when I was actively raising my children. Seeing them walk in my shoes I see their struggles as well as their joys. I have learned that smooth seas do not make strong sailors and it's those uphill battles that make us who we are!

I wonder what the future holds for my you...for us...for my sister. When I went outside on the morning of September 5th, the silence was deafening. The eagles were quiet. There was no chatter, no chirping.  

 It was the day I found out that my sister has stage three cancer and must have chemo. I cannot imagine how or what she feels.  September 5th was a sad day for my sister and I.

Sharing with you and


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