
I believe in signs.  Things that are meant to be.  Running into someone you haven't seen in years.  Cheering them up in some small way.  Doing new things when they were not on your "list."  

Last week shortly before it was time for me to leave for Tai Chi, I noticed there was a message on the answering machine.  It was from my instructor.  He was calling from the hospital.  His daughter was having her baby.

Normally that, of course , would be wonderful news.  But I worried all the way to class and as the others arrived, the worry had become an epidemic.  Emily, our instructor's daughter, wasn't due until the end of September and here it was July 23rd.  However, as all respectful students of their "master" we struggled through our class doing our warm-ups first, then our forms, straightening up the room as always and walking out together.

It was when we opened the door to leave that it happened.  Reassuring the others that she and the 
baby would be fine from the time we'd arrived until the end, I knew everything would be alright.

And there it was...the sign.

A big beautiful rainbow spanning the sky.

When I got home, I emailed my instructor and included the pic I'd taken with my cell.  His response came the next morning.  "Thanks, JP.  We are ALL fine.  I'll fill you all in the next time we meet."   I knew it!  I just KNEW it!!

Meadow was born weighing a tad over two pounds, is thirteen inches long and although on oxygen, is breathing on her own!  She will be discharged when she can eat on her own and all her vitals are good and strong.  Emily came home over the weekend and is recovering nicely.

Signs are meant to be.

Sharing a little more of me with you and

Katherine's Corner


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