One Leg?

I wasn't nervous and I wasn't anxious about going even though I hadn't been since last Fall.  It's been far too hot here for me to even entertain the thought of going kayaking although I saw my Wrangler loaded and ready.  When our locals predicted cooler weather I told the Pres, "I'm out of here early tomorrow morning and if I don't come back, that's where I am."  

Gathering up my waterproof sack the morning I was heading out, I dropped in the cell phone, my small camera (no zoomer on this trip), my ID, a bottle of sunscreen, a peach and my peanut butter and honey sandwich, then sealed it.  Collapsible water bottles in one hand and my sak in the other, I climbed into the Jeep and head towards the lake.

It was early and quiet, which is how I like things...not a lot of hustle and bustle...not a lot of folks (other than fisherman) out on the water.  Somehow, this year it seemed easier carrying the kayak down to the water's edge and shoving off was a breeze.  About two thirds of the way across the massive lake, I spotted some ducks and geese and since they were in the direction I was going, I paddled then merely drifted closer so as not to disturb their routine of diving for fish.

Does it look like these geese have only one leg to you?  When I got home and looked at the pix, I noticed it but when you see the picture below, you'll see otherwise!!  It's the same geese!!  I zoomed in at home to take a close look and it sure looks like he's got two.  So for all you bird aficionados out this a regular thing with them...standing on one leg?

Anyway, it was a wonderful morning!  A three hour hiatus away from everyone.  Next time I'm bringing my book.

Just another day in paradise....:)


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