Little Is As Little Does

The temps this week have been warm...really warm for May. Hovering in the low to mid eighties, this past week had the Pres and I hopping with digging plants to share with others as well as planting those given to us.

Now that summer is almost here, all my favorite little things are humming! Like this cutie...

Through the front door I saw something little sitting on the edge of one of the dried twigs in my arrangement on the side of the stoop.
Isn't she darling?

All puffed out to keep herself warm on this chilly afternoon, she kept returning to the twig while I continued to snap away.  I waited and waited to get a shot of her mate but he played hard to get.
Finally, after several attempts, I got that little rascal. 

He loves to sit on the fence along the walk not far from the Eastern Phoebe who also sits there to be close to their nest of little ones right over the front door!

Sharing with you and Friendship Friday (


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