The Warriors Ride Again

Doing laundry the other day, I was interrupted rather abruptly by the Pres.  "Honey, get your camera.  There's something out here you should see."

Grabbing my point and shoot "zoomer" as I've nicknamed it, I was in the dining room and at the slider faster than you could imagine, licking my chops.

When I displayed the pix on my laptop, they reminded me of high school!

I KNOW you want to know WHY...

The team was in a huddle...

the coach was at the head...

they all got together...

And this is what they said.

We're gonna F...I...G...H..T!
We're gonna go team, fight team, win tonight team!

Oh, one more thing.
After watching the team, we went to the nearby market and bought a 16 lb turkey to enjoy with some nice cranberry pecan stuffing this weekend...more of my favorite things!

Sharing with you and everyone at 

Katherine's Corner~Favorite Things


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