Just In Case

During the blizzard, we had a ton of birds around the feeders.  Poor little things hanging on for dear life as the winds howled and seed scattered on the snow drifts below.  

Falling to the ground and drawing a crowd, the seed created it's own attraction as I watched more and more birds and one lone squirrel hunt and peck.

How that little grey rodent managed to make it through the fluffy stuff, I'll never know.  He was a lesson in persistence!

Turning his back to the wind, his fur was quickly attracting the sleet pellets.  He never stopped eating.

Being inside warm and toasty, I began to wonder...

With all this snow, how will the earth be able to absorb it all?  Plus, on Monday, our day began with sleet and freezing rain, followed by heavy rain all day!

Then I decided it was time to tidy up the arc...just in case!

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