Inspiration From A Friend

Sometimes, you just need a little inspiration.

 It's something that I've often thought about and wished I knew how, but that's as far as it went.
Thinking about it.

So, not long ago when my good friend Lisa from Two Bears and the Three Cubs did a post about taking cake decorating classes.  After I read it, I scooted her an email.  Responding almost immediately she told me where "in her neck of the woods" classed were being offered.  She then told me how much she enjoyed them and that did it.

  I filed the following thought: Research and find a  "cake decorating" class.

Now it's nothing new but being old older can have it's draw backs.  Sometimes, we have so much to file we forget what folder we put something in.    

Well, for whatever reason, the folder labelled ME re-emerged today and was pushed to the front.  

I am happy to report that a Michael's has recently opened in nearby Mansfield and is only about 6 miles from my house.  Yep, I've been there, inquired and am happy to announce that I am 

Take a Cake Decorating Class!

The four week class (2 hrs each) only cost me $10.00!!

Oh, one more thing.

Thanks, Baby Girl!

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Friendship Friday

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