Hear Me?

My first night at "Cake Decorating" Class was fun...5 great people in the class, most of them young and the instructor, young herself, had tons of experience with numerous bakeries in the area so I was ready!

Once seated and rolling up my sleeves, I spread out my tools baking supplies.  Listening attentively I jotted down notes and asked questions...a lot of questions...which the instructor answered with ease.  All was good.

Then it came time to take out our practice boards and begin.  Slightly apprehensive because my "thing" is cookies (and always has been), I wondered.  I've never made a layered cake in my life.  When I make a cake it's always in a 9x13, a bundt, spring-form or tube pan.  
Read and REMEMBER these words:

I have NEVER made a layer cake.


But how bad could it be to squeeze out a few stars onto a board using a plastic bag?

Simple, right?

Well, not for me.

I am TOM~BOY...hear me roar!!

I help build fences!

I shovel creeks!

I pick up trees!

I practice Tai Chi!

I life weights!

I'm a kayaker!

Dolly Domestic...Deanna Decorator...Cathy's Caker...I am not!

I am Tom~Boy...hear me roar!!

As Madge, our instructor came around to each of us, I couldn't help but notice the pathetic look on her face when she looked at my practice board.  I knew what she was thinking.

  So, to lessen the blow, I said, "I know the first one looks like a pile of chicken poop, BUT you can see the improvement, right?"  Smiling slightly, she tipped her head to the side and muttered, "yes."  

Embarrassed to show you this pic, but, it is what it is.

We also attempted shells and leaves.
Although no photo, trust me when I tell you that my shells looked like giant slugs with leprosy!! 

 Shells are hard!!!!
And my leaves?  Well, lets just say that I have a lot of practicing to do.

Oh, one more thing.
Our homework?
Make a frosted layered cake with filling and bring it to class.
We're going to decorate it.

I'm in deep doo~doo!


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