Something Old..Something New

Excited all week before their arrival, I peeked through the glass on the front door.  There they were...driving up the gravel road!  They were here!!  Finally we were going to meet...face to face!  The Pres and I were looking forward to this morning ever since "Beatrice P. Boyd" and I made the arrangements.

They wanted to see the house.
We wanted to show it to them.

They were coming up to visit family and friends.
We wanted them to stop by so the four of us could get to know each other.

The result?

A most wonderful and pleasurable visit and making new friends too!

It was eleven o'clock in the morning so the Pres and I prepared fresh cantelope, fresh cut pineapple, toasted Italian bread, a spinach and Swiss quiche, eggs to order, sausage, bacon, home fries, juice and coffee.

Around two in the afternoon, we broke out the crab salad and a cheese-ball both served with VERY broken crackers (I regret to say!!!).  Then we had zucchini bread to nibble on as well.

Talking and laughing for eight hours, we thoroughly enjoyed their company!    

The Pres and Grenville traded stories about being with the Fire Department, "guy stuff", furnaces and generators while Beatrice and I talked about everything else you can imagine!

And much to my surprise, look what they brought us!  A birthday card for me and a bag of pecans that had been hand picked, hand shelled and coated with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg for us to share (although as of this writing, I haven't yet offered any to the Pres!) because they are AWESOME!!

Oh, one more thing.  "Beatrice P. Boyd" and "Grenville T. Boyd" of The Frog and PenguINN promised us they will be back for another visit.  We're looking forward to it!

Sharing our new friends with:


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