A Change of Venue

When it was time for vacation, we usually flew out of JFK.  You know the routine.  Drive a few hours, leave the truck in long term parking and get in line.

However, this year, because we live closer to Boston, we are heading there.  Our Spring vacation is booked!  The airline has confirmed our reservations, the timeshare awaits and we are heading to Aruba.  We haven't been there in a few years so we are really looking forward to it!  Last year, I had injured my back.  The year before, we had the house in Virginia on the market.

I'd better hit the gym...just a little harder.

Yep, a change of venue is right around the corner.

Well, actually it's more than a corner...but a girl can dream can't she?

I did tell you that I get air~sick right?


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