Say It With Love

Christmas Day, my daughter and Angel came over for dinner.  Everything was delicious and they raved about it, making me beam with pride.  Soon it was time for my red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese filling/frosting and then we would open gifts.

At this stage in our lives, we really don't need too much which, according to my kids, makes us hard to buy for.  I always try to mention simple things...usually for the make it easy for the kids.  The Pres, on the other hand, makes it hard when they ask him what he needs or would like.  He'll say, "you can't afford what I want" or "whatever" of his favorites.  They leave the conversation confused and bewildered.  With me, on the other hand, I'm easy.  For instance, this year I asked for a Pyrex measuring cup and a small dish rack that fits in my vegetable sink.

It was time for gifts.  Picture the four of us gathered around the tree smiling and wriggling with glee...well make that three of us since the Pres was in his chair!  Handing him a gift, my daughter said, "Mom, turn the package over so he can see what I wrote on the other side."

Flipping over the gift as I handed it to the Pres, it read:

Saying It With Love

Sharing the love with

Katherine's Corner


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