No Let Down For Me

Spending the past three days with family has been beyond WONDERFUL!  It began Sunday with me working in the kitchen all morning preparing nibblies and Red Velvet cupcakes.  Later that afternoon we were off for a visit to my oldest step~daughter and her family who welcomed with open arms the shrimp cocktail, crab salad, my infamous cheese-ball and all their cookies and bars. (Remind me to tell you the cheese-ball story sometime!) My MIL was there, my husband's ex~wife (don't panic...we get along well!) as well as my youngest step daughter and her three girls.  We drove Mama home and ran into my BIL/SIL (the ones who own the bed and breakfast in Cape May).  Getting to exchange hugs with them too was the "icing on the cake"!

Then Monday morning, the kitchen once again was my best friend.  This time though all I did was some prep...making eggplant parmigiana and cole slaw for Christmas dinner.  Showered and ready, the Pres and I headed over to my son's with more of the same that we'd brought to my step daughter's.  

However, I asked the Pres to swing my Mac's (the girl who recently got married) as I'd made them a few bags of goodies too.  Tiptoeing up the front stairs, I wanted to go unnoticed...after all the tag on their gift labelled "TO: Mr & Mrs" / FROM; Santa.  Whew!  I pulled it and all!!  Arriving at my son's and being greeted by our youngest grand daughter is a treat in itself!!  "Nana, Gramp, it's almost Christmas!!  Do you want to know the surprise that I got my Daddy?"   LOL!!!

Now we were on our way to visit my youngest step daughter (even though we saw her Sunday) and her family with their goodies and gifts.  They'd just returned from Florida's Disneyland and I was anxious to hear the adventures the girls had and view their pictures!  

Pooped by the time we got home and it wasn't even Christmas yet!

Oh, one more thing.
Being close to your family is the best gift of all!
We were truly "Christmas Blessed."


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