A Flick of the Wrist

It was the day before my 65th birthday and as usual I was performing my morning routine while outside with the dogs.  With a shovel full of Moon and Copper's "stuff " (aka poople dooples), I continued my search...my quest for more...LOL!!!...along the perimeter of the yard.

Approaching the fence, I carefully lifted the shovel full up intending for the "stuff" to fly over the fence and land on one of next year's burn piles in our woods.

Perhaps it was because I was wearing mittens.  My hand gripping the stainless handle slipped and not realizing that the shovel turned, I suddenly I found myself dodging a barrage of you know what!!  LOL!!!!!

And all it took was a flick of the wrist and I got...
an early birthday gift!!!

Sharing tales and tails with

Friendship Friday


Friday Fences


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