Let's Call It...Shattering News

A while back, the Pres had some difficulties "relieving himself."  Pain free, he just couldn't "go."  Without me revealing all the details (because he wouldn't want me to), a series of tests have been done along with visits to his Urologist.  It seems that those times that he was having difficulty urinating, even though he insisted on waiting until his annual doctor's visit, there were stones forming in his bladder!  

Thinking he would be a candidate for a lithotripsy, I insisted on going with him to his visit to the urologist.  

I was wrong.

  A lithotripsy is done when stones are in the kidneys.

I am learning though.

 When stones are in the bladder, it's a whole different procedure.  
The Pres will go to the hospital the end of this month.
  The procedure will be done.

The urologist will use laser and shock-waves attempting to shatter the largest stone he has along with the others that are in his bladder.  The largest is 3 centimeters in diameter and there are three other "satellites" around it.  I tried to take a picture of his ultrasound for you but it came out lousy.
You'll have to use your imagination.

  He will be released "same day"...thank goodness!  However, he has to wear a catheter for four days after which he removes the catheter at 6 am Monday morning and has been instructed to drink 64 oz of water before he goes for his follow~up visit with the doctor.

Oh, one two more things.
The Pres HATES...HATES...HATES water.
The Pres HATES catheter's even more!

Anybody want company for a few days?


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