Finding Fall

When I got home from the gym Monday, the Pres had a surprise for me!!  He found Fall...or should I say, the rest of Fall.  You see, we had found a container labelled "Fall" up on the top rack he built to store our seasonal bins.  Yet, as I put the decorations out, I wondered...where was the turkey? ...where were the wooden pumpkins?...where were Mr & Mrs Pilgrim?...where were the dried gourds?...where were the artificial leaves?  Had they gotten thrown out or donated by mistake when we moved?

Well, when I got home, there it big bin...filled with Fall!!!  

There they were...Mr & Mrs Pilgrim, the turkey, the leaves, the pumpkins!!!...:)
So, on Tuesday morning while the Pres slept, that little decorator in me came out and I had a surprise waiting for him!

Fall was here in A Quiet Corner and we would be ready for our company this weekend!
for the food!


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