Stashing Acorns

Stuffing the freezer full of corn, red and green peppers and green beans, I felt like a squirrel stashing his acorns for the winter.  Then we washed the pots and pans that we used hanging them on the fence to dry.  We were done with those until next year.  All the kids and my MIL had theirs.  They are all set until next summer. 

Next our our agenda?  Sauce from freshly picked tomatoes that the Pres will get this week from the farm before he goes hunting.

On Saturday, the Pres went to his brothers and together they cleared some of the down trees on acreage that his brother co-owns.  This will become yet another hunting source for the Pres when rifle season opens in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, don't think we've been shirking our duties here at the house.  We've been working on clearing just a little bit more of the brush around the house.  The Pres attacked the dead brush with one of his chain saws and then added it to one of the burn piles that have been growing and growing since we last burned.  Since we just had heavy rains, it was time.


So I lied

Not everyone worked that day!


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