Putting on the Brakes

As the Pres asked me what kind of vegetable I wanted to have for supper that evening, I swallowed a breath of air and tried to respond at the same time.  The result?  Hiccups...big ones!

I've always just let them run their course and eventually they go away.  So as the pork loin continued to cook on the grill with the baked home grown potatoes on the rack above, I took out the cole slaw and leftover corn on the cob from the frig and continued to hiccup.

Hearing the all to familiar ring on my cell phone, I picked up the call and said, "Hiccup...hey Babe...Mommy's got hiccups."  As we talked about the upcoming shower she's throwing for her best friend, I continue to hiccup.

Apparently she was tired of hearing them.  The next thing out of her mouth was "Mom, what's your full given name?"  My mind reeled.  One minute we were talking about the floral centerpieces and the next thing I knew my mind had put on it's breaks and said "WHAT?  WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THAT?"

"What's your full given name?" she repeated calmly.

Right after I answered her, she said, "You're hiccups are gone."

And they were!!!

She then told me that it's because I had to stop and think that they stopped!

Sharing this little secret with everyone at:

Oh, one more thing.  I got the hiccups just the other day while I was driving.
I asked myself the same question.
I said my full given name out loud.
My hiccups went away.


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