
Last Tuesday, I decided it was time for my maiden voyage.  I'd waited long enough...through the recent hot humid weather we've been having here...for cooler, more tolerable temps.  Then, I heard our local weatherman say 80.  To me that meant hit the road and hit the water!

I left the house even before the Pres was awake and arrived to find only a handful of cars at the boat launch.  Backing the Wrangler up to the boulders, I felt a tad nervous but when I watched a few others around me unloading their kayaks and carrying them down to the water's edge.  But then the nervousness subsided and I suddenly found myself following in their footsteps.

In fact, the first woman I met asked me if I needed a hand with the kayak.  I explained that I wanted to see if I could manage it alone but to stay close just in case.  As it turned out, I was fine and now
the kayak was bobbing at the water's edge as I stepped in and sat stretching my legs onto the foot pegs.  The camera, my cell phone and ID were neatly tucked away in a waterproof bag I'd bought at Dick's (I would highly recommend it!).

The adventure began...

Paddling around the lake I intentionally practiced getting onto shore then off again.  The water felt so warm when I placed my hands in as I drifted.  It was absolutely glorious.  A few small waves took me by surprise (because of a passing boat) but didn't last long.

I met a man who was teaching his youngest daughter (age 7) to kayak that day.  We chatted for quite a while as I shared what I learned about dragonflies and damselflies with her (and her Dad!!).

All I can say is...
I'm hooked!

Sharing with:
Shadow Shot Sunday 


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