At The Beach

Monday, I went to Rhode Island to spend the day with Jennifer and Angel.  “There’s nothing like a day at the beach”, I thought.  As it turned out, I hit the nail right on the head as it was a perfect…absolutely perfect…day.
Bluest Skies     Boats     In the Distance
While we sat rubbing our feet in the soft sand and chatted, taking in the breeze, the fresh air and sunshine, Angel was having some fun of his own.   Kite Flying

Sand as Fine as Sugar   Sandals on Shore   Sand Alligator  
Sand Fish   Sole Can Opener   Tackle Box & Kite 
Between flying his kite and doing some on shore fishing, he was enjoying himself. 
Walking down the beach, we came across a few sand sculptures…a fish and and alligator.  Returning to our spot, we sat and enjoyed lunch under the umbrella…hmmmm…spicy turkey sandwiches with baked beans, potato salad and broccoli salad which was made with red onions, bacon bits and a dressing that we use for coleslaw!  It was delicious…Smile    

Oh, one more thing...
Happy Birthday Babe!


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