A Story: The Dreaded Day

It had finally come.  I had planned on going after the sale of the house was complete.  I’d planned for it.  In fact, I even resurrected my theory of the “6 P’s.”  Did I ever tell you about that?  I must have.  If not, the "6 P's" helped me throughout my entire twenty five year banking career.  Perhaps my theory of prior proper planning prevents poor performance would once again pay off.  

 Not only had I requested the necessary forms from their web site, collected several pieces of correspondence showing my proof of address, retrieved the proper forms for identification from one of our safes but also had both vehicles inspected for “the official examination.”

Yep.  On Thursday morning I headed to DMV.
They opened at 9:15am.

Oh, one more thing.  If for some reason you don’t hear from me, it just means that the “6 P’s” didn’t hold true with the Department of Motor Vehicle.

to be continued…


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