Yep...I Did It!

Asking the Pres to go with me, I waited patiently, car key in hand, right near the door.  After all, he said he could be ready in five minutes.  The plan was to hit a local sports store here in Columbia, then head to Manchester to L.L. Bean and Dick's Sporting Goods comparing prices.

We found the store in Columbia to be pricey as Cabella's was and I really didn't want to spend that much.  While the in store merchandise was high in L.L.Bean, they had an online deal that wasn't bad but, by the time the shipping charges were added in, plus all the accessories I wanted, that too would have been more than what I was looking to spend.  

Dick's was the place!  First of all, in chatting with a couple that have kayaked for years, we learned quite a bit.  Secondly, the man in the department was an absolute love!  So, I am now the proud owner of a lime green and white kayak (a hot little number, don't you think?), yellow paddle, a PFD, a waterproof camera case, and an orange cell phone case, whistle and water bottle holder!

Now...all I have to do is WAIT....
until my Wrangler is ready for action
and adventure here I come!


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