New Set of Wheels's the scoop.  Unless you have good upper body strength, lifting a kayak can be a little tough.  It's not because it's heavy.  I think, it's because of it's's awkward to handle.  So with the help of the internet and our local paper, I tracked down a "new set of wheels" to make life a little easier getting to and from the water.

Of course, when I got them home I had to practice.  So I did just that.  After putting on the wheels with the cotter pins, I loaded the kayak onto the carrier, centered it just the instructions said, strapped it in place and began pulling and pushing it up and down the driveway. 

However...ah, the infamous however...when I pulled the wheels up and onto the concrete garage floor, the assembly collapsed and the kayak was on the ground! 

 Hmmmm....I guess I'll have to practice just a bit more before I head out!


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