
Can you see Copper in this picture?  I'd thrown MY stick up into the ferns...just to make him work a little harder.

Then there was this.

And this.

Returning victorious!

He should have a warrior, don't you think?

Oh, do you want to hear about MY stick?  I'd found this ratty old beaten piece of board that I was planning on using as a stake to hold one of my old yard signs.  They seemed perfect for each other.  I pounded it into the ground into of the small bed of lilies with all intentions of getting the screw driver and attaching the sign. the time returned from the garage with the screw driver, the stick was in you know who's possession!  He pulled it right out of the ground!!

Don't think that he doesn't have his Kong either.  It's right in front of his feeding station on the side of his condo!  Darn kids! 


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