What A Deal!


Jack Frost


Ostrich Fern

My Garden Club's Plant Sale was a huge success which is great because the money raised goes to  good causes...beautification, to name one.  Anyway, in an effort to turn the yard that isn't into the yard that is, I wanted to be the first customer in line.  Arriving extra early I was surprised that there was one little woman in front of me...but only one!  That was OK though because as Kathleen and I chatted, I discovered that she too had just joined our club!

Reserving my large cardboard box to carry my plants in, I wondered if one would be enough as I looked over the wide selection.  Now remember, because I had worked doing prep the day before, I knew where each of the plants I wanted was located.  After filling the first box, I turned to Jim (one of the husbands who was helping) and asked if he would mind following me around.  He did the smart thing...he got the biggest wagon there was...and followed me from table to table!

My small contribution to "the cause" was insignificant in relation to the pleasure and joy our beautification efforts unleash.  As a Club, we maintain many, many gardens in the area as well as lend a hand when it's needed for some sprucing up.

In addition to the plants listed above, I brought home:

Frances William Hosta
Lambs Ear
Monarda (Raspberry)
Peony (Pink)
Japanese Blood Grass
Sweet Woodruff
Money Plant

Oh.  One more thing.  I also got the prettiest Violet with the darkest leaves I've ever seen...almost black.
But, as fate would have it, I cannot tell you the official name.
Copper chewed the wooden stick and now I can't read it!
No...wait...I found it on Google..

Black Labradorica Violet
I think this will be gorgeous against the beautiful sea of green in the yard that is!


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