The Call

The Pres answered the phone and handed it to me.  It was the receptionist.  She was calling to confirm my time slot.  After a few brief moments, I asked the gal if there was anything specific I needed to bring with me.

Her response?

Well, as a matter of fact, I have a list right here.  My mind reeled and my imagination went into motion as she said, You'll need to wear very comfortable clothing and bring any day-time medications you would normally need.  So succinct and aptly put.

"Now that sounds a little scary," I said, breaking out in nervous laughter.  "Do I need to worry about this?"  I asked.

No,'ll be in good'll be fine, she responded reassuringly.

Then next thing I knew she was laughing too...just not nervously!  Well, at least I knew they had a sense of humor!

Good gravy!  Do I really want to do this?, I thought.  My appointment was less than two weeks away and already I was feeling anxious even though it would only take a few hours.  I hoped that I would be less nervous come Friday the 8th...less than I was feeling now.

Yet, it was only a matter of time that my logic set in...good old logistics which has always been good to me.   Deciding it was the thing to do, I settled down on the couch and began watching TV with the Pres.
For now I was safe.

to be continued...


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