Natures Laura

While the sewing maching hummed along, I placed the straight pin in the pin cushion.  Yes, the curtains were nearly done.   Meanwhile the Prez walked down to get the mail with the kids.  Now pressing the curtains in the laundry room, I heard the door open and before I knew it I heard, "Delivery" as he handed me a package. 

Well, all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, my friend!!  You see, Laura creator extraordinaire not only of her blog Forest Walk Art but also of her many creations sent me the most beautiful sun catcher!  It is gorgeous...made up of butterfly wings and  flower petals, pressed beautifully with beveled edged glass on one side..the colors are magnificent in it and I cannot wait to put it to work tomorrow!!!   Another thing I received was a handcrafted card with one of Laura's infamous photographs.  The picture is so clear and well defined that it looks real!  If you cherish photography and nature, pay her a visit as her picture taking skills are beyond belief.  She shows things for their true beauty.  It is because of her that I now see so much beauty and mystery in nature...things that I had always overlooked.  

Thank you, my friend!  To you and for you, I am grateful...:)

As you can see, it was a bright, sunny day yesterday so my new suncatcher, designed and created just for me by Laura, couldn't have found a better home!

Linking up with Friendship Friday (with Create With Joy).  Stop by for a visit...:)


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