Winter Pleasure

The first decent amount of snow fell this past week.  Anxious to get out and play in it with Moon and Copper, I donned my nylon pants right over my jammies.  I didn't care.  Stepping into my Bean boots, I dreaded lacing them, since that required a degree of bending.  For me, the snow was "the carrot at the end of stick".  That and the fact that the kids were anxiously bobbing back and forth in the hall outside the laundry room as I dressed for some winter fun.

No, I could not run in it nor could I sit and slide down the hill, but it was cold, wet, white and wondrous just the same!  Beside, merely watching the dogs be dogs would bring me much pleasure.

While Moon just loves this stuff and begins her quest for movement beneath the surface, Copper, on the other hand only wants to play.  Finding Kong in this stuff can be tricky though but he doesn't seem to mind plowing the snow with his nose knowing that Kong is in there somewhere!

"His" Kong (black) is MIA again!  We had to use Moon's as a substitute fix that day!


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