What Goes Around

Ouch!  When Lisa, Two Bears Farm, told me that to help my iliotibial band, if that is indeed what I injured, I should use a foam roller, I planned on taking her advice.  I mean, after all, she is the epitome of being physically fit and, as you know, an avid runner.

Anyway, she texted me saying that she had bought a new roller for her own IT injury last year and that I could have the Prez stop by and get her gently used one.  Arrangements were made.

Calling the Prez last night, I asked him to write himself a note so he could stop by and pick it up from Lisa's mailbox in the morning when he left to come home. 

Now with this picture you can see the Prez made it safely home with my new IT Band Foam Roller. 

Oh...one more thing.  Baby Girl (aka Lisa), you were right!  It hurts!
No, the words "it hurts" cannot describe the pain.  I wanted to cry there on the floor and the next day, it seemed worse. 
Resuming simple stretches instead eased the pain and I continued to baby myself.  With the Prez home, I would be having his infamous chicken soup to alleviate my cold.  This is beginning to sound so pitiful so I'll leave you with this:
When both extremities are not working properly, IT SUCKS!

...:)  JP


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