The Plan...Compression

The plan was simple. Go to the linen closet, find the shoe box where I put all the aces bandages and wrap my thigh.  My thought was that if it was kept snug, I wouldn't feel as much pressure when I placed weight on my leg.  It felt like it was literally tearing...ripping apart on my thigh and outer leg.  Now obviously, I couldn't wrap my outer hip because, lets face it, kids, I don't think they make a bandage THAT big!  However, keeping compression on the thigh, knee and lower leg surely would help.

And so I wrapped.  I wrapped one ace around the lower leg to support the outer calf.  Then I threw on my knee support to assist the ligaments and tendons behind it.  The last and longest ace was used to wrap my thigh.  Did I ever tell you that one of my best friends used to call me "thunder thighs" or "boulder hips?"  That's another story.

So after all that wrapping it felt better.  And it took me a long time to wrap, I might add.  I am NOT a small girl.  Although one quarter of me resembled a mummy, it felt better that whole day.  Unwrapping myself before I went to bed that night, I hoped that it worked.  It was like a miracle because next day I didn't wrap as there was minimal pain in the morning as I made my coffee, showered, dressed and went outside with the kids.  I did take two Aleve.  Telling my son that I was walking around with hardly any pain, I was sure I was on the mend.  Then later that day, after walking nearly all day doing some tidying up, laundry, taking down the Christmas tree, it hit me.  I went to sit on the couch to catch the evening news with the Prez and was back.  I can only surmise that the Aleve had tackled the pain all day.  Up until now, I haven't taken anything other than use my Arnica gel. 

The next day, I felt drastic measures were needed because all the ace bandages and wraps were drying on the rack in the laundry room.  My substitute?

Let's hope they do the trick.  C'mon, they're Control Top!!!


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