New Year=New Things

Happy New Year said the flower as it reached toward the sun.  Methinks I like our new home.  As do I, said the budding clusters on the Crown of Thorns.  Before I knew it, each and every one of my houseplants seemed to have something new to show me as they prepare to welcome in the New Year.  Generating new growth from energy within, they are obviously looking forward to the New Year.

I learned a lot in 2011 and have much to be grateful for.
Like the things that I care for, I am looking forward to the new year.  I can feel the energy within generating new growth.  I anxiously await my adventures and sharing them with you...:)

P.S. To my friend, Dorothy, who lives in Callaway, VA.  So what do you think of your Mom's cactus?  Hugs and kisses to Harwell!  Yet another person in my life for whom I am grateful. 


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