Asking Family for Help

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it's difficult to ask people for help?  It can be difficult but it is something that you simply must do occasionally. 

We didn't have a problem asking our son, daughter and her boy friend to help us.  We accept the fact that we're older, that this was exhausting and that we couldn't do things quite as quickly as we used to be able to.
Saturday morning we got an early start leaving our friends.  We were now anxious to get started as my daughter, her boy friend and my son were meeting us at the house to help unload the trailer. It took them (including the Prez, of course) only a little over two hours to get everything off.  Boxes and furniture cam in faster than I could direct it!

After everything on that first load was in, we all took a detailed tour.  I was really curious to see what my kids would say about the house, good, bad or otherwise.  It was all good.  After they left, the Prez and I worked until about 8:00pm.  We were so busy, that we completely forgot to eat!

New Home for Mini
For the next few days, our routine was the same from morning til night.  After all, the Prez was leaving for VA on Thursday, Oct 27th for the second.  It was then he would be bringing the dogs.  He only had a few days to finsih building the fence.

I learned that my trash day here is Thursday, which means Wednesday night, we're busy...LOL!!!...pulling the huge bins down the gravel road to the roadside, placing them 18 inches apart.  Yep, there's a lesson here:  There is a gravel road regardless of where you live (because we've got one here too...just a lot shorter!!) AND trash bins must always be 18 inches apart...:) 


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