The Stick

This may not look like much to you, but I've had it for years.  Actually I received it as a gift when at one of my going away parties from the bank.  Believe it or not, this slender piece of wood, once affixed to a post, tree trunk or beam is a weather indicator.  When it's going to be a sunny day, it turns upward toward the sky/sun and when it's going to be a rainy day, it turn down toward the earth.

I even did a little extra work for you and found the web site that sells them.  I'm sure there are others, but this is where mine came from.  Although I was initially skeptical when I received it, my skepticism soon vanished as I watched it predict the weather of the day! 

So, if you're in need of a neat conversation piece, check out:

Oh, one more thing.  When I went to take my weather stick down from the post, there was this spider web right above it.  What I though was a dead bug caught in the middle turned out to be a very much alive spider with a huge, protruding belly!  My thought was: 

where the hell is Laura when I need her! 
(Laura is a friend of mine who likes those things....ewwwwww!!)


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