Honey's Home aka Earthquake

Yesterday's earthquake had everyone in a talkative mood and today sharing their stories.  Here's ours:

The Pres had gone into Roanoke to run to Sam's, get his tires rotated, do some shopping and then hit the grocery store.  After all, it was like any other Tuesday, Senior Citizen day!!  Meanwhile, I was here in the Hollow in the home built in the 1800's, a home that was apparently built to last!

The apple butter was cooking in the crock pot, I'd weeded the front walkway and watered the potted plants and hanging ferns and I'd just finished laundry.  Going into the walk-in closet in the master bedroom to put clothes away when I heard and felt the closet "talk" to me.  Looking up at the ceiling where the walls connect and hearing noises...clicking, creaking, I wondered what critter was up in the attic.  I felt the floor and ground quiver and said to myself laughing, I've got to tell the Pres that his Dodge diesel is so loud that it makes the house shake when he pulls in the driveway. Heading out into the garage to meet him, there was something wrong.  There was no Joe...no red diesel truck in the driveway.

Then about a half hour later, my daughter called from Connecticut to ask how we were because of THE EARTHQUAKE.  My response to her was, "Earthquake?" " Mom," she said, "turn on TV.  Tracy's phone just got the weather alert on her phone."  My son called to see if we were okay.  My eldest stepdaughter sent me a text message checking on us.  Sharing the closet story with each of them, we laughed about the noise and vibration that is made by the Pres' Dodge!  After all, humor is a healer.

Oh, the Pres made it home safe and sound and we put groceries away then sat down to watch all the media coverage on the Weather Channel.  And the rest is history.


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