Chinese Fire Drill # 99

It was Wednesday, the 13th of July and it was yet another HOT, HUMID day.  Walking into the air conditioned house after working out at the gym felt soooooo refreshing.  I was glad I would be able to change and make my lunch immediately, as I was starving!

Sitting in the leather chair in the family room, the Pres was in his usual position...reclining.  No sooner did I utter the statement, " Thank goodness the Realtor didn't call today.  It's too hot.  After lunch I am on that couch and taking a nap" when the phone rang.  Looking at the caller ID, I noticed it was my sister and breathed a sigh of relief.  Listening to her and chatting while I wolfed down my food, she said, "Oh, let me call you right back.  Someone is calling."  I hung up resuming the stuffing of my face.

Then the phone rang again.  At that point I was rinsing out my dish to put in the dishwasher so I asked the Pres to answer it. got it...Chinese Fire Drill # 99 (because we're counting backwards in case you hadn't noticed hoping that by the time I get to #1, the house will be SOLD)!!

I heard the Pres hesitate for what seemed a long time, then placing his hand over the receiver, he said, "She wants to know if someone can come by at 4:30pm today."  The fresh juicy strawberries I had placed in my mouth were a little too large, so I just nodded.  It was 1:30pm.

However, what was VERY nice was this.  My alter ego (aka Dolly Domestic) had visited here over the weekend so there was NO NEED to go crazy.  The Pres had been in his chair went I left for the gym and was in it when I got home, so there WAS NO DIRT!!!!  Other than wiping down the kitchen counters and sink, the house was good to go.

We left with the dogs at 4:20pm and headed to Dairy Queen for an ice cream and took the long way home, arriving at 5:25pm.

I said to the Pres, "They're still there.  Drive past the house."  However, only the clients truck was there.  There was no Realtor car in sight.  Turning around in our neighbor's driveway, we headed down the mountain and pulled in.

to be continued...


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